Site Similarity Certification
Satellite image-based assessment of the similarity of growing sites
The purpose of a Site Similarity Certification is the assessment of the similarity of agricultural sites, thus proving that the results of field trials from one site are transferable to another site, very often located in an other country. A Site Similartiy Certificate can therefore replace missing field trial data from one trial site through data from another trial site and, that way, completely substitute long-lasting and cost-intensive field trials.
Thereby, SSC merges the know-how of many years in the registration of plant protection products and new seed varieties with the use of satellite imagery as an objective source of information .
The innovative SSC service was developed within a R&D project supported by the European Space Agency (ESA) and has been enhanced together with producers and consultants from the Plant Protection Industry.
is a written Certificate with figures, tables and satellite images
shows the results of the comparison of 2 sites
is based on independent expertise
is objective through satellite images and other data provided by official sources
uses scientifically proved methods proving the similarity of cropping sites
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