A joint project of SBI and the European Space Agency
Site Similarity Certification (SSC) is a service that was developed in a research project supported by the European Space Agency (ESA). In the first development phase the company Agricultural Development Consulting (ADC) supported and accompanied the development of the service with its extensive expert knowledge.
2009 and 2010, SSC underwent a series of improvements along the entire production chain, and SBI was supported by further important partners from the agroindustry: Agchem Project Consulting (APC), BASF, Dr. Knöll Consulting and Syngenta.
Through multiple SSCs the method was tested, optimised and adapted to the EPPO guidelines.
Several Biological Assessment Dossiers including SSCs were submitted to different national registration authorities (among which Poland) and the methods and scientific background of the Site Similarity Certification were individually explained to them.